Friday, January 4, 2013

January 4, 2012: NOVELTY
When you have a baby in the house, there is always something new happening.  It is so fun to watch her grow and explore her environment.  The other night I was giving her a bath and she was determined to pick up the whale bath toy that was floating around, but every time she went to grab it, the toy went underwater.  After about 5 minutes, she grabbed the side of the tub with one hand, furrowed her brow, and snatched that whale up with the other hand.  Success!!!
Not only is Brighton doing something new every day, but I am also taking on a new venture at the yoga studio helping to plan and promote special workshops and classes.  While this will probably only require a few hours per week of work, it is nice to have a new role and something to keep me occupied other than baby stuff. 

Thursday, January 3, 2013

January 2 2012: REFLECTION
I spent an hour yesterday on the phone with one of my best friends from college who recently had her second child.  It was so nice to have time to chat with her and swap stories about being a mom, and I was thinking yesterday afternoon about how much our conversations have changed since the days of going to Widespread Panic shows and working at 42nd Street Oyster Bar.  There are times when I miss the freedom I had back then, before a child and a husband and a dog and mortgage payments anchored me.  But as much as I treasure those memories and the person I used to be, I wouldn't go back to those days for anything in the world.  Because my favorite reflection is the one I see when I look at Brighton and witness parts of myself and Jeff shining back at me!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

January 1, 2012: DETOX
While this might seem an obvious choice for New Year's Day (and I'm sure I did sweat out more than my fair share of champagne in the yoga class I taught this morning), I am not just referring to a physical detoxification.  I have been working on cleaning up my life from toxic relationships and thoughts so that my interactions with myself and others are more positive and beneficial.  I especially want to set a good example for Brighton so that she embodies the idea that, as Gandhi said, "Your beliefs become your thoughts, your thoughts become your words, your words become your actions, your actions become your habits, your habits become your values, your values become your destiny.” So today, I am starting to clean out any old, negative behaviors that aren't helping me grow and setting the foundation for positive habits!